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Showing posts from June, 2022

Adventures in Sketchtopia Part 22: Thousand Worlds 4

Extra-planetary projectiles, old and new.     This is part four of a series of sketches on a single topic, the  Thousand Worlds .   Missile Fiend:   An early version of a missile-launching alien species. Missile Plecton:   A parasite-like alien directing a large, unintelligent, biped equipped with a highly advanced missile system.  The missiles from this creature are extremely fast, smart, and maneuverable.  Successfully avoiding the missiles is a near impossibility. Brace Revenant:   Alien species wrapped from head to toe in dark fabric bands interlaced with metal-dotted string.  Carries a short, powerful, energy rifle.  One of the species that eventually breaks from the Thousand Worlds to gain their freedom in the Human Alliance. Thumule:   Large, humanoid alien with a four-horned head, basic intellect, and a primitive axe.  Also performs manual labor like digging trenches or hauling equipment. Jinkin:   R...

Writing Tool: Panic Cards

For writing emergencies only... In a previous post , I created a break-in-case of emergency box for days where I'm severely struggling to get my writing goal in.   In case that box is not enough, or if I'm away from my house, I've devised another emergency method to keep me from veering off my writing track. Panic Cards. What are they?  Simple.  Index cards cut in half with encouraging phrases on one side. The other side has a small, randomized reward for completing the writing task.  I made it random on purpose to increase the intrigue. To use them, I pull out the card, read the phrase of encouragement, and get the writing done.  Once the thirty minutes of writing is completed, I turn over the card and reap the reward. Silly?  Maybe.  Effective?  Time will tell.  It's better to have an emergency plan and never use it than to not have one when an emergency comes calling.

Explorations in Clayland Part 25: Green Warriors

Blobby shaped and green as grapes.   I have a collection of warriors that range from very humanoid to... abstract?  Their uniting feature is the pale green clay used to form them.  I'll call them Bolobros. Bolobro Golem: Crafted by the Bolobros to serve as a mobile tank, this artifact creature sports a spiked shield, spear arm, and curiously ornate hat. Bolobro Spearman: The only figure with a marked face.  Taller than most, his keen eyes and longer legs makes him a good scout, at least by Bolobro standards. Bolobro Hammerguard: A classic Bolobro with a short, stocky frame and large, primitive hammer.  Outside of battle, his duties include carpentry and blacksmithing. Bolobro Honorguard : The next level up from Hammerguard.  He carries a shield and spear along with his hammer. Bolobro Chamocentaur: Headless and one-armed, this creature is bizarre to say the least.  That doesn't stop him from being the fastest Bolobro around. Bolobro Sliders: These...

Crafting Catchphrases: A Knight of Ur

Linguistic worldbuilding.   I am working on sustentative edits to my first novel, A Knight of Ur.  One thing that has come up is the need to make characters more interesting and memorable.   So, I thought I'd brainstorm some catchphrases (or regular phrases, or just quirky expressions, whatever you want to call 'em) for my characters to possibly use.  There are no bad ideas, just bad catchphrases. Main Characters "Sol-scapes and typhons!" "Stardown." "Someone's gotta' face the bared fangs of chaos." "I'll run with you until the world drops." "I never let a good apocalypse stop me." "Everyone dies.  Few are given the gift to die on their feet." Supporting Characters "We're apes with guns, but darn noble apes!" "Try me.  I'll make up a new word before you can swallow a beetle." "It isn't easy.  But it allays the rage of conscience." "I'll laugh when the clock...

Comics from Old Jokes 3: Dinosaur Library


Adventures in Sketchtopia Part 21: Thousand Worlds 3

Walking Walls and Shaped Spines.   This is part three of series of sketches on a single topic, the Thousand Worlds .   Spine Behemoths:   Massive, armored creatures with a spiny carapace that can be custom grown.  Four examples are shown here, including one quadruped. Sand Ghasts:   Floating balls that collect and fortify sand using gravitational mechanisms.  Can be used to form walls or other defenses, including defensive spiking.  Unclear if balls are purely mechanical, or include a biological component under the shell. Gialyths:   Extremely large creatures that, when rearing up fully, ellipse a three-story building.  Anatomy is a mix of arthropod-like and dinosaur-like features.

The Power and Thrill of Naming: Plot Devices

Why?  Because the Plot needs it! Interesting stories need interesting plot devices. Why not think up some in case I need them?  Yes, another round of The Power and Thrill of Naming Things comes calling. Science Fiction • Doomsday key • Frozen brain of alien species • Superhero serum • Planet-killing gun • Seal of the Space Emperor • Rare element to power starship • Last member of an alien species • Portable portal • Scientist’s notebook • Enigmatic hypercube Fantasy • Heart of a deity • Portion of unspecified effects • Sword of the Ages • Cursed runestone • Golden hide • Map to lost city • Magical guardian’s singular weakness • Cosmic flower • Dead wizard’s amulet • Forbidden tome Thriller/Mystery • Laptop with damning evidence • Vial containing cure to terrible disease • Folder with military test results • Briefcase with foreign government secrets • Gun with experimental bullets • Code to secret society vault • Killer’s h...

Explorations in Clayland Part 24: Icebound

Snow problem.   Using healthy amounts of white and transparent clay, I have a cohort of cold weather creatures. Snowskiff Golem: Animated creature gliding across the ice on skis.   Cold Weather Shelter: Bones and hide wrapped together to block the bone chilling cold. Common Yeti: White and furry, with strong opinions about Bigfoot. Mutant Snowman:  Brought to life by either a frost wizard or a young boy and his tiger. Icefield Bounder:  A two-legged predator with poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell. Glacier Golem:  Slow and steady freezes your face. Cold Weather Explorer: Equipped with an ice pick and rare ice crystal of power. Frost Witch: Surging with the powers of ice and snow. Frost Wolf: Unlike its normal brethren, this wolf is more comfortable alone than in a pack.

The Power and Thrill of Naming: Doomsday Devices

I hope the villain doesn’t get his hands on this… How will the world end if the good guys don’t stop the bad guys in time?  We’ll get creative here.  It's another entry into the Power and Thrill of Naming Things . Military/Science Fiction • Nuclear submarine • Ancient castle with futuristic technology • Super volcano depth charge • Asteroid attractor • Ultra plague • Zombie virus • Genetically modified hornet-spider hybrids • Antimatter bomb • Ocean vaporizer • RNA-based bioweapon • Rapid evil clone duplicator • Atmosphere sapper • Titanium murder bots Fantasy • Curse of the necromancer • Petrification wave • Dragon’s awakening • Infernal portal • Horn summoning Denizens of the Deep • Staff of the Olympians’ wrath • Spell of eternal winter • Elemental burst • Loss of Nature's lifeforce • Reversed reality • Anti-magic monstrosities

June Break Part 4

Breaking down why we can't have nice things.

June Break Part 3

Watermelon Warrior Break.  

June Break Part 2

Ice Cream Break.  

June Break Part 1

A break in the flow.   I have a lot of things going on this week, so I'll be taking a break from my normal schedule.  I'll be back next week, but for now, enjoy some old web drawings. The Mark Knight

Comics from Old Jokes 2: Tim Horton's Temptations

Adventures in Sketchtopia Part 20: Thousand Worlds 2

Waves of Offworld Warriors.     This is part two of series of sketches on a single topic, the  Thousand Worlds .   Scopul Snipers:   Small armored humanoid aliens that use a single weapon equipped with different functions.  The top of the page shows four different configurations: energy blade, thin beam sniper, wide beam sniper, and energy ball.  Representatives of the species demo both the blade and the thin beam sniper functions. Drossrunners:   Physically frail humanoid alien with big eyes and a mouth full of pointed teeth.  Wields a variety of guns.  From top to bottom, a cannon-like gun, a multi-shot needle gun, a rapid-fire needle gun, and a charged, honing projectile gun. Cosmovlats:   Large, blind aliens with branching legs, membranous forearms, and a powerful sense of smell.  Uses some sort of gun (bottom left corner).  Sent to hunt specific targets. Skurz and Skurz-AI:  Small alien that serves almo...