I freaking love naming things.
If I could do only a single thing with writing, it would be to generate names for things. The best part about starting a new writing project, whether it be short story of exposition, is the naming of things within the worldbuilding process.
To show you what I mean, I'm going to try a quick writing exercise. I found a science-fiction book title generator (https://www.imagineforest.com/blog/sci-fi-book-title-generator/) and proceeded to generate a random title. Here it is.
Distant Android
Now, I have five minutes to create an introduction. Three minutes to write it up and two minutes to edit. Ready? Go!
King of the Silver Ocean
"Blow me boys, blow!" the ring-metal clad man danced across the spars, urging the crew onward.
Black smoke belched from the Helioscope cannons, launching their dire projectiles into the hide of the approaching beast. The towering leviathan, fresh from the Ghoststriven Islands, was an ancient offspring of one of the last of the Bewilder Beasts. It had been sent from the Underwater Pantheon to harry the King's quest. Snorting and drawing up water into its dread maw, it drew closer.
Twisted Galaxy
Steel Planet
Unknown Jupiter
Infinity Invasion
Prehistoric Gravity
Witches of the Broken Worlds
Lost Warriers of Elysium
The Dragons of the Cursed Kingdom
Wizards of the Broken Ocean
The Secret Tree
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