A blog entry, Monday to Friday, isn't trivial.
Despite finding the time and commitment to write and edit one book (A Knight of Ur), draft half of a second (The Dark Between Worlds), and throw myself into several short story projects, it turns out that a regular blog is a different beast, a neo-challenge rearing its many-pronged head.
The main difference is that the commitment to my other writing projects was personal. In contrast, putting out a daily blog post is a public thing. I have to have something ready to go by the end of every day and there is a record of it if I don't.
So, to help myself out, I have a creative process that I'm learning to implement. Here's how it goes. Whenever I get the idea for a post, I immediately go and start a new draft with the post's title.
That's it.
Because I have a decent flow of ideas, I always have a collection of drafts to select from each day to craft into a finished blog post. As of this post's writing, I have 7 drafts lurking in the background.
There you go. It's very simple, nothing world breaking or mythical. But it's been quite useful and effective for me. By using the creative process of immediately creating drafts of blog ideas, I always have something to build on.
Now, if only I could get better at storing up a collection of completed, time-insensitive blog posts for future use. Hmmm, I should write about that sometime. Better add "Writing Tool: Building A Blogpost Storehouse" to my drafts.
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