Dust off your prehistoric D20s.
Blasting back in time for another adventure in Sketchtopia, I found a wonderous relic. In a past life, I'd put together a concept for a table-top RPG of thunderous proportions. Dungeons and Dinosaurs.
I went so far as to match each of the classes in Version 4.0 with a species of dinosaur. The image above is hard to follow, so I reproduced as a table below.
Even better, I had pictures to go with each dinosaur class. All except a Plateosaurus Paladin (hmm, maybe I'll have to create that in a future adventure). For now, enjoy 15 dinosaurs.Page 1: Hard to make out, but this is a Mosasaurus Wizard. Using the powers of levitation and summoning fireballs, this non-dinosaurian marine reptile means business.
Page 5: Ankylosaurus Warden, Stegosaurus Fighter, Oviraptor Druid, and Hadrosaur Bard. Ankylosaurus is a natural defender and stegosaurus is the dinosaur equivalent of the strong, sturdy but none-too-bright fighter. Oviraptor is nurturing (turns out it's less of an egg thief and more of an egg defender), so matches a one-with-nature druid. Hadrosaurs, known for their flashy head crests and bellowing calls, fits the role of bard to a T.
There you go. Next time you gather together for a game of DnD, why not swap out the Dragons with some Terrible Lizards?
Bug Men drawn by one of my brothers.
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