Boss rush anyone?
We delve ever deeper into the papery realm of Sketchtopia. Trusting in our leveled-up stats, here is the first round of a bevy of bosses guarding unique dungeons. Each dungeon has a hidden chamber where the boss dwells. Dive in.Hezgath, Lord of the Desolate Chutes: A flying mix of gargoyle and demon, Hezgath relies on tough skin and aerial dominance to defeat grounded adventurers.
Shzarrd, Keeper of the Winding Tunnels: A gigantic amalgamation of the most terrifying aspects of arthropods, Shzarrd waits until adventurers are hopelessly lost before striking.
Gnarrithe, Master of the Hollow Caves: Nearly impregnable under its shell, Gnarrith likes to hide on the ceiling like a stalactite and drop down on unwary adventurers.
Jayner, Jailer of the Dungeons of Despair: A shattered wreck of dark magic, poisonous artifacts, and disfigured flesh, Jayner keeps his adventurer victims trapped and languishing before finishing them off.
Vex, Guardian of the Sunken Chambers: A hybrid of shark, fish, whale, and cephalopod, Vex lashes out with tooth and tentacle against any adventurer who holds their breadth long enough to descend into his realm.
Zuel, Guardian of the Reaching Spires: Swooping from spire to spire, Zuel has a wicked, mace-tail that is strong enough to sweep even the most acrobatic adventurer to a plunging death.
Aaiun, Servant of the Dark Villa: Bearing cursed swords and nestled within turtle-like armor, Aaiun's shadowy fighting style is the bane of most adventurers.
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