Lumber, swim, or walk.
I've only three pictures to present this session, but they are all expansive.
In the first, a Kaiju-sized monstrosity of shell and spine crests a hill. It leers over a town that, to its bulk, appears no more than a matchstick creation.
In the second, denizens of the deep thrash near the shoreline. A giant squid and shark are uncommon enough. But what really stands out is whale-shark hybrid (nostrils and gills reveal its mixed lineage). Grasses and even a tree stick out from the leviathan's back. When not moving, this beast could be mistaken for a small island. On shore, barely visible, a ghost ogre watches.
In the barren wastelands a wild sorcerer protects a pillar with a mysterious orb on top. The sorcerer summons all manner of ghostly figures to aid him.
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