Will these quadrupeds show you the meaning of speed?
Here is a small collection of four-legged mammals. Some are lightening-quick. Others are ponderous.
Purple Stallion: This horse is rather stocky and purple-colored. Besides those traits, this horse has little going for it.

Blue Stallion: Crystalline mane and hooves increases the mystique. Otherwise, not much different than the purple-colored version.
Storm Goat: Now we're getting somewhere. This lightning-charged, cloven-hooved herbivore can outrun a raging raincloud.
White Battle Elephant: Built for battle and awash in white, this elephantine beast is a striking frontline sight.
Cerberus: The three-headed hound of Hades. In this version, it appears rather tame. Still, it is the only carnivore in the bunch.
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