It's what you can't do that makes the magic pop.
Brandon Sanderson's second Law of Magic is:
Weaknesses, limits and costs are more interesting than powers.
So, to riff off that, I'll be conjuring up another edition of the Power and Thrill of Naming Things, an exercise in creativity.
Magical Limitations:
- Telekinesis that takes 10x the effort and time of performing it normally
- Magic use is highly carcinogenic (even worse than chain smoking cigarettes)
- Spell can only be used at midnight on Tuesday
- User blacks out after every spell
- The only magical spell that can be used is a version of the one last used
- Variant: spells evolve each time (like biological evolution, only faster)
- Story Plot: finding out who cast the first, original spell
- Magic is powered by technology (generator)
- Variant: fueled by atomic bombs
- Story Plot: Nukes are used for magic; magicians are used to stop nukes
- Side effects of magic like alcoholism or drug abuse
- Any magical use causes a slight break in the timeline
- Using magic creates an evil, antimatter clone of the magician
- Variant: clone appears in alternate world
- Story Plot: Alternative world of millions of clones invade after centuries of magical use
- Using magic slightly slows Earth's orbit
- Variant 1: slows the Moon's orbit
- Variant 2: cools Earth's molten core
- Story Plot: long-term use of magic starts to have planetary effects
- Spells requires almost insurmountable sophistication to succeed
- Variant 1: Ten minute synchronized motions of a group of wizards
- Variant 2: Requires complex formulations more difficult than string theory equations
- Variant 3: Requires solving problems akin to protein folding prediction
- Have to ingest special animal to gain its power
- Story Plot: special animals are bred for magical use
- Example 1: special owl wing to gain night vision
- Example 2: special tiger steak to have speed and power of tiger
- Example 3: special fish fin to breath underwater
- Magic use speeds up or slows down aging
- Magic use breaks down DNA
- Spells require very rare reagents
- Variant 1: fossils
- Variant 2: endangered animals
- Variant 3: rare elements
- Variant 4: cosmic or exotic particles
- Spells require a very specific location
- Variant 1: mount Everest
- Variant 2: deep ocean trench
- Variant 3: North Pole
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