Every day gets its mark.
To build a habit of writing consistently, I roll with the Calendar Method. As far as I've heard, this method originates--or was popularized--by Jerry Seinfeld (you can learn more here).
How does it work?
- Get out a calendar
- Get writing done for the first day
- Put a big X on that day
- Keep going, making it your mission to not break the chain of X's
That's it.
My personal writing goal is 30 minutes a day. Only after 30 minutes do I get an X. I take Sundays off because I want to rest on the Sabbath and one day a week off of writing is recommended anyways.
Here is what my first month's calendar looked like.
Not bad. Starting on the 14th, I managed to hit my goal every day.
What about month 2?
Barring a total failure tomorrow, I've managed a whole month outside of the 18th. To be fair, the 18th involved a half day of frantic work, a five-hour drive, three hours of attending to two large dogs before their sitter got home, an elaborate strategy to park two cars in various locations, and a toddler that didn't go to bed until 11pm. So, 24 out of 25 ain't bad.
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