Tusk Ogres and Camber Mimics.
This is part six of a series of sketches on a single topic, the Thousand Worlds.
Tusk Ogre (A) : A muscular humanoid alien with tusks and obscured eyes. Uses flechette pistols and spike cannons. Bottom scrawls are of camber mimics (see below).
Tusk Ogre (B): More detailed version. In addition to two large tusks, has a wide variety of horns jutting out across its face. Additional weapons include a pneumatic spear, another flechette pistol, a roto-mace, another spike cannon, and and a spike-grenade launcher.
Camber Mimic (A): A scholarly race of aliens with massive humps (left side). After being brought into the Thousand Worlds, most younger individuals decided to emulate the Tusk Ogres through surgical removal of their humps and the wearing of tusked masks and body armor. Use laser pistols (shown held by bottom right figure) and flamethrowers patterned with mythical beast decals (top).
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