Greater monsters smote from damnation.
I have below the second of two rounds of infernal enemies. Fiends and horrors of twisted power. These foes of fire and darkness will take the mettle of meritorious champions to defeat.

Abyssal Fiend: This fiend towers over its prey, lunging out with an outsized neck. When fangs won't finish the job, its claws are long enough to parry blades.
Infernal Fiend: This fiend is eternally engulfed in flames. Once it chooses a target, it will never stop pursuing.
Shelled Horror: This demon is covered in a hard shell that is impervious to most attacks. Its multiple appendages are adept at climbing walls and towers.
Horned Horror: A demon with a squat body and massive horns. While somewhat slow on its two stubby legs, once it catches up, it can devour an adventurer whole, armor and all.
Twisted Horror: A demon that moves like an amalgamation of smoke and tentacles. It's even taller than an abyssal fiend.
Were-Demon: When a blood moon rises, this demon is augmented with lycanthrope abilities. Bring an extra case of silver bullets.
Blade Demon: This demon can pass as a human. It can conceal its blades within its body and release them on command.
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