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Explorations in Clayland Part 46: Baffling Beasts

Can't make heads or tails of 'em.  

These creatures defy a common description.  Some look more like furniture or abstract art than a living thing.  Oh well, bafflement is the soup of the day.

Progenitor Ooze: This creature is a member of the Dawn Colossi that I forgot to place correctly.  Flat and amoeba-like, it crawls across broken lands, looking for prey to engulf.

Mottled Rugbeast:  From above, it could be mistaken for a tacky rug or a patch of odd forest fungus.  Underneath, it reveals glowing eyes and a ravenous mouth.

Folded Rugbeast: Its eyes and mouth are located in the center of its flat body.  It can fold up the sides of its body to form pseudo-limbs.

Ambulatory Tripod:  This lump of flesh has three legs but no other appendages.  Despite no apparent eyes, ears, mouth, or other sense organs, it manages to move around and sustain itself.

Blitz Elemental: Formed from the imprint of lightning on sand, this elemental's limbs are asymmetrical and highly warped.  The individual below attacks with a bladed limb that is a cross between an arm and a tail.

Channel Elemental: Formed from the same processes as a blitz elemental--but tempered by the intervention of an elementalist--this elemental can take a more conventional shape.  The individual below is superficially turtle shaped as a nod of humor from its elementalist creator, as it is actually one of the fastest elementals.

Enigma Chatron:  It resembles an oddly colored machine.  However, it is no robot.  It hails from a strange dimension and was summoned by a group of dimensionalist wizards seeking the secrets of the universe.

Enigma Flagbearer:  Another summoning by dimensionalist wizards.  It has a more recognizable form.  Bipedal.  Disguisable head.  Large eyes.  The function of its flaglike appendage is unknown.

Pudwin Familar:  A magical beast favored by peaceful wizards and witches as a familiar because if its loyalty, good nature, and resistance to magical attacks.

Gyreback Familar:  A magical beast favored by battle wizards and witches as a familiar because if its ferocity, stubbornness, and magic-laced attack's.

Endgate Legworm:  A creature found in the caves of the mysterious Endgate.  Eyeless, it senses intruders by sound and attacks with a gaping maw.

Bonus: Low-Tech Cyborgs


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